What is the Significance of Different Colored Safety Vests – How do They Help Make Working Life Easier?

Since transitioning to our new warehouse on International Boulevard in Cincinnati, Ohio our operation managers have decided to implement new principals into our daily practice. At our old facility all employees, visitors, and contractors were required to wear the standard yellow safety vest. Having everyone  in the same colored vest made it hard for managers and employees to distinguish team Taylor from contractors on the warehouse floor. Grant Taylor General Manager of Contract Warehousing had an amazing idea to order different colored vests and create categories for the various different colors. Taylor employees in yellow, contractors and visitors in orange, and all management in a tri-colored vests. This way everyone can spot who is who on the warehouse floor.

Since the implementation of the different vest categories we have had great response from warehouse operators and our warehouse management. Clay Revis Taylor’s World Park Warehouse Manager states  “ It’s more of a safety thing than anything, there are several projects happening on the warehouse floor. It’s nice to look out and see where the contractors are” .  At Taylor we are always looking for ways to improve our processes and by doing so we follow a procedure called 5s. 5s is an organization technique to create and maintain an intuitive workspace. Given the name 5s there are five essential categories sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. The implementation of the safety vests falls under the 4th S which is “standardize” set standards for a consistently organized workplace. As we continue to refine practices we will be using the 5s model to help guide us to a safer and more profitable warehouse.