Company Culture | Continuous Improvement Programs

Taylor Logistics Inc. Blog

As a company, it’s important to us to build a culture of continuous improvement from the bottom-up, empowering all team Taylor members to seek opportunities for growth continuously; it’s how we find strength within our organization. Through continuous improvement, embracing change and innovation, we become our customer’s strategic partner and their competitive advantage in supply chain performance.

Taylor employs a team of Six Sigma & LEAN certified team members to lead our continuous improvement programs. All of which provide consistency training across all departments to ensure our processes are as seamless as possible to reduce costs and save time. Some ways Taylor helps to enable processes improvement are:

Employee Empowerment 

Employees should not be limited to suggestions. Instead, they have the power to test and implement changes within the organization. Process changes are monitored, talked about, and measured to ensure they provide the desired outcome. 


When it comes to continually improving processes on the warehouse floor and in the office, it’s the people doing the work who offer some of the best suggestions. Yes, it can be challenging to get people to question the way they have always done a particular process to make it better. That’s why we provide a comfortable work environment where all ideas are good ideas.

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Gluing Process Improvement with Company Values & Culture  

At Taylor, our core values are as follows:


Nothing is more important than the safety of employees, our customers, our customers customers, and the motoring public. We also value food safety, food quality, and compliance, be it regulatory or our customers specifications.


Quality requires innovative thinking, dedication, effort and continuous improvement. Continuous improvement consists of incremental efforts to improve all aspects of the business no matter how small. Dedication and effort directed towards quality will allow for creative problem solving and evolutionary results. Innovation will follow and allows larger gains.


Business is the ultimate team sport and teamwork is the cornerstone of success. We must build on our strengths and organize to make our weaknesses irrelevant. Team working is powerful and takes sustained effort to achieve. We must be collaborative to create and maintain the company values and success.


We exist to create lasting relationships, both internal and external.  Relationships add value and are the groundwork for collaboration, innovation and continuous improvement.


Ethics means taking the long view. We have been in business since 1850 and must conduct our business as such. We act towards our co-workers, customers, and the business with the highest level of ethical behaviors.

For Continuous improvement programs to succeed, one must understand the role of company values and culture. If you read the above core values, what will stand out to you is that for them to actually happen, you must invest in your people. Company culture and values will generate a creative and innovative environment, which is the foundation for process improvement.