Forklift Safety Tips

 Taylor Logistics Inc. Forklift Safety Guide

There Are 1 Million Forklifts In Operation In The United States

Nearly 1 in 10 will be in an accident

85 of the accidents will be fatal

Over 34,000 serious injuries

The Importance of Forklift Safety

70% Of All Forklift Accidents May Have Been Avoided Had Proper Training Been Provided

Keep Your Team Safe

Make sure your load is balanced

Take it easy on the coroner

Drive nice and slow

Keep Your load as low as possible

Drive only in approved areas

Safety Pre-Check

Obstructions: Ensure the floor is clear of debris, overhead impediments are removed, and nearby objects are removed from the operating area.

Safety Items: early warning systems like horns, alarms, and lights should be fully operational.

Harnesses: Ensure the seatbelt of other restraint mechanisms are intact.
Brakes: Test the parking brake, regular brakes, and other stopping systems.

Cargo Handling: Make sure the forks, left mechanism, title function, and other related functions are performing error-free.

Cockpit Controls: Ensure that there are no steering or control panel issues.

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